This Company Wants To Put A Stock Trader In Your Pocket, Aims To Become The Household Name For Algorithmic Trading

Jessica N. Abraham
12 min readSep 27, 2022
Image via PeakBot

Putting a stock trader in your pocket, one company aims to become the household name for algorithmic trading — compliant with known United States Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) regulations and available to a wide range of retail investors across the United States.

Regardless of trading experience, PeakBot works on behalf of its users to maximize gains while minimizing losses — a little robot crunching numbers in real-time, so you don’t have to spend countless hours planning how and when to close a position. It’s the Thumbelina of finance and the soon-to-be hero of every portfolio — of every smart trading strategy and smart traders everywhere.

The platform itself automates trades with rapid, unbiased responses to ongoing market conditions. And much like a professional trader, it elevates trading experiences by defending each portfolio, one trade at a time. Through automated, algorithmic trading, the risks of volatile markets are shielded from the downside, while PeakBot works overtime to capture the upside.

Problems Traders Face When We Don’t Use An Automated Bot



Jessica N. Abraham

Jessica N. Abraham writes about Business, Technology and Career Development. | Twitter: @jessicanabraham